Using our experience, equipment, ability and arch bend technologies, SMS Millcraft can restore or advancement water-cooled oxygen lance to like-new or better-than-new condition. Operating a carve with as little as 1/4-inch tip abrasion or one to two inches of tip misalignment can aftereffect in poor adorning achievement and accelerated boiler adverse wear. Our abreast aliment and upgrades can abbreviate or annihilate these pitfalls, advance operational assurance and extend carve account life.
To accommodate above carve aliment services, SMS Millcraft has partnered with the Talllman Bronze Company, one of the better and a lot of accomplished carve basic manufacturers in the world. Together we can expertly restore water-cooled oxygen, post-combustion and oxygen lances from all manufacturers to aboriginal OEM specifications. We aswell accommodate upgrades to abate aliment costs and advance artefact quality.
Lances generally get angled in the benefactor area, which furnishings alignment. Because angled and misaligned oxygen lances can accident cher adverse materials, SMS Mill craft and Tallman Bronze accept developed an Internal Carve Support Arrangement (ILSS). This patent-pending arrangement strengthens oxygen lances after adverse the breeze of cooling baptize or impacting achievement and makes them beneath acceptable to get angled and accident adverse and do not charge bulky potective sleeves for handling.
More advice about carve adjustment and advancement casework is accessible on the "Literature downloads" page of this site.